"Mini" Doctrine: A Case of Morals
October 7, 2009
This started out as a brief mini-video, and somehow turned into an endless obsessive rant about the minutiae of the Polanski case. This video has no entertainment value, unless you enjoy hearing "let's be clear" over and over.
Related links:
Why Reading About Polanski Sucks, For Me - a must read.
Reminder: Roman Polanski Raped a Child
Roman Polanski Has a Lot of Friends
Getting Over It
The Grand Jury Testimony
Samantha Geimer's 2003 Op-Ed in the LA Times
Chris Rock - on Jay Leno
Critique of the "Wanted and Desired" documentary
Detailed Analysis of the Transcripts - This piece makes a strong case that the issue of the judge's alleged misconduct is vastly overrated.
Posted by jsmooth995 at October 7, 2009 5:15 AM