ill Doctrine is a hip-hop video blog hosted by Jay Smooth, creator of the hip hop music blog and founder of New York's longest running hip-hop radio show, WBAI's Underground Railroad.
Part of a little rant I got into about Michael Steele last week, but didn't finish because of the hard drive. It was too long already though so just as well. :)
Just an update to let you know I can't go all in on new videos until I replace my external drive..I'll try and do some shorter vids in the meantime though.
(I actually made this and posted it last week but then Ted Kennedy passed right after, and then DJ AM and MJ's birthday, so I took it back down until the weekend passed by..all this sad news lately sure puts things in perspective! Here's hoping we only lose hard drives for the rest of the year.)
This page contains all entries posted to Ill Doctrine in September 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.
August 2009 is the previous archive.
October 2009 is the next archive.