ill Doctrine is a hip-hop video blog hosted by Jay Smooth, creator of the hip hop music blog and founder of New York's longest running hip-hop radio show, WBAI's Underground Railroad.
Answering a few of the many awesome responses to my Beating the Little Hater video.
Hard to believe it was only 6 months ago I launched this site, been a great ride so far. Big thanks to everyone who took the time to watch. I am hatching secret plans to make sure our first full year is worth your while.
For those of you (and this is surely all of you, one way or another!) who do creative work:
What are your tricks for maintaining the confidence and discipline to stay productive? What does that little voice say to keep you from being creative, and how do you make sure he doesn't win? Let us know in the comments, or better yet make a post and link to it here for us.
I think it'd be great to get a discussion going and share strategies, maybe together we can beat the little haters once and for all. :)
Helllooooo, anybody still out there? Been busy with my trip out to California for The Winnies, and came back to find both my cameras are out of order. So hopefully I'll be back in effect soon, but in the meantime I'll post up some archival goodies.. for today here are some funny clips I snagged at MC Serch's birthday party.
Anybody have recommendations for a good camcorder in the $500 range?
This page contains all entries posted to Ill Doctrine in December 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.
November 2007 is the previous archive.
January 2008 is the next archive.