You Punks Didn't Finish

March 27, 2008

Feeling sick so I can't go into as much depth as I'd like. But here are the links to the Smoking Gun expose and the hiphopdx piece that totally saw it coming. Also the 1999 feature on Sabatini that's awfully hard to reconcile with Philips' account. (Although that old piece also cites an anonymous source, some guy named Max.. could it be...? Nah, nevermind)

The LA Times posted an apology late last night, but I still want answers on how this happened in the first place.. Philips reiterates that he had numerous sources corroborating the general facts, but never specifically says that other sources verified Sabatino's role in the incident, or that he even sought music biz sources to verify that Jimmy worked with Bad Boy etc.. until Philips gives specific evidence to the contrary I've got to assume that Sabatino was also his prime anonymous source and he failed to fact check Sabatino's delusions. And yes, this whole thing is looking hella Templeton.

Posted by jsmooth995 at 8:42 AM | Comments (9)

Audio from the Archives: Chatting With Q-Tip

March 21, 2008

Some clips from Q-Tip's last visit to my radio show, back in 2002:

Continue reading "Audio from the Archives: Chatting With Q-Tip"

Posted by jsmooth995 at 3:31 PM | Comments (7)

Being Over Race

March 20, 2008

a.k.a. Barack Obama is really ticking me off right now.

Seriously though, I'm taking some time to let this speech marinate before I speak too much on it.. I learned back when I started writing for The Source that it's almost impossible to review an album properly after listening to it only once, you really need to sit with it for at least a couple of weeks to know what you feel about it (I mean, unless it's straight-up wack in which case 10 seconds per song is sufficient). This speech was a full length album that I'd rather sit with for a while instead of rushing out a half baked reaction so I can make it into the same news cycle or whatever. Might make a separate video on Rev. Wright, Obama's grandmother, buses and such later on.

Posted by jsmooth995 at 2:57 AM | Comments (41)

The Music Biz and the Moral High Ground

March 17, 2008

Two things that have nothing to do with each other.

Posted by jsmooth995 at 7:03 AM | Comments (640)

Being Seen

March 15, 2008

Some thoughts on that last video before we return to regularly scheduled programming.

Posted by jsmooth995 at 5:05 AM | Comments (15)

Apologies in Advance

March 13, 2008

I just had to do it.

I mean come on, somebody had to do it.

Posted by jsmooth995 at 8:16 AM | Comments (1)

Live From The Halftime Show

March 11, 2008

More live performances from the 10th Anniversary of DJ Eclipse's legendary Halftime Show on WNYU, with Alchemist, Marco Polo and DJ Premier on hand providing musical accompiment. The videos contain adult language and what not.

Supastition, Reef the Lost Cauze and AG (youtube version here)

Apathy, Torae and Emilio Rojas

(youtube version here)

Posted by jsmooth995 at 1:40 AM | Comments (6)

Going Back In Time

March 10, 2008

Taking a trip back to hip-hop's good old days, with a visit to DJ Eclipse's legendary Halftime Show on WNYU.

(note: this video contains some adult language, as it were. footage is from the halftime show's 10th anniversary show last week)

Posted by jsmooth995 at 1:43 PM | Comments (20)

Don't Call It A Comeback

March 5, 2008

A brief commentary about my trip in which I use the word "moment" about 800 times. I'll be back to work this week, and might get around to sharing more thoughts about my trip later on, since it did spark a lot of thought. What else should we talk about in March?

In the meantime I posted a bunch of photos on my flickr page, or you can look through the galleries below:

Continue reading "Don't Call It A Comeback"

Posted by jsmooth995 at 4:41 PM | Comments (28)