Torae on the Underground Railroad

May 31, 2009

Some live representation from Torae, who stopped by my radio show last night, with DJ 3D on the turntables. Check out his new album with Marco Polo, "Double Barrel."

Posted by jsmooth995 at 1:11 PM | Comments (0)

Interview Doctrine: Rap Materialism and Racial Humility

May 14, 2009

A few bits from a conversation I had with Dan Charnas a couple of weeks ago.

Dan also has a book coming out named "The Big Payback', a history of the hip-hop industry focusing on the business end of things..

Posted by jsmooth995 at 11:30 AM | Comments (0)

Asher Roth and the Racial Crossroads

May 8, 2009

A commentary that was supposed to be about Asher Roth but turned into an extended tangent about race in America.

I had a million other things I wanted to say so I'll try and follow up soon, cuz even though I know the Asher story is old I think the underlying issues run deep.

I recorded conversations with Dan Charnas and Amanda Diva that were a big part of my thought process for this one but couldn't work them into this vid.. will definitely get some of that footage up later.

Further reading:
Asher's Rap Radar Interview

  • Caramanica in the Times
  • Harry Allen getting at Caramanica
  • Asher's full (re)apology
  • Eskay's Nahright verdict
  • Brandon Soderberg's foreshadowing
  • Doc Zeus one and two
  • Racialicious

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 10:36 AM | Comments (0)