The Clinton/Obama Non-Handshake Mega-Scandal

January 29, 2008

The full story behind last night's Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama Handshakegate. Absolutely shocking.

Posted by jsmooth995 at 10:19 AM | Comments (36)

*Ahem* My Many Media Appearances

January 28, 2008

I'm getting back to work this week, but in the meantime here's the audio from my segment on NPR today:

  • NPR News and Notes Bloggers Roundtable - 1/28/08 w/ Eric Brown and Afrobella.

    Also check my previous cameo on the roundtable here. (and if for some reason you think you'd enjoy hearing me talk for 90+ minutes, there's also this Afronerd interview.)

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 7:22 PM | Comments (3)

    Ten OTHER Things Martin Luther King Said

    January 21, 2008

    At this time of year we always hear the same 2 or 3 clips over and over from Martin Luther King Jr., but there was much more to the man. So here are ten of my favorite quotes from that aren't heard as often.

    Do you have any favorite quotes from him that don't get enough love? (The stuff he said on the Boondocks doesn't count)

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 8:20 AM | Comments (106)

    Why Rappers Need Steroids

    January 17, 2008

    Inspired by my visit to the hip-hop class at Baruch College. What other rappers do you think are due for some investigating? Leave a note in the comments.

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 9:33 AM | Comments (28)

    Bob Johnson Microphone Terror Alert

    January 15, 2008

    Here's hoping BET Founder Bob Johnson can serve as a lesson for us all.

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 9:42 AM | Comments (20)

    Swag Biting, Wu Lawsuits and the Hip-Hop A-Team

    January 14, 2008

    Catching up on the last week's hip-hop news, such as it is.

    (story links: soulja boy swag biting, wutang lawsuit, ja rule dis track, ice cube on the a-team)

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 8:04 AM | Comments (26)

    Kara Walker Meets "The Wire"

    January 12, 2008

    on the bonus blog

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 8:54 PM | Comments (1)

    What We Think Vs. Who We Are

    January 11, 2008

    Why you should always respect the person while you debate the politics. I hope we can all share this and remember it as the election year plays out.

    (full disclosure for Cheryl Colan: that close guantanamo shirt was a gift from my friend at the ACLU)

    music: DJ Food "Zen in Africa"

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 12:12 AM | Comments (21)

    Barack Obama and "Tolerance Fatigue"

    January 4, 2008

    Some quick thoughts on Obama's win in Iowa. (I'm not necessarily endorsing Obama btw, would love to see him win but there are other candidates I like too.. haven't decided yet what I'm doing in the primary.)

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 7:00 AM | Comments (37)

    New Year's Bonus Bonanza!

    January 2, 2008

    A fresh batch of bonus clips to start the New Year:

  • Extra Bonus Haters
  • Copyright Safe Ragtime Breakdancing
  • Humdinger
  • Creativity
  • Final Outlaw Freestyle

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 2:10 PM | Comments (3)