February 25, 2009
Really just a station announcement, not a clever title.
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Posted by jsmooth995 at 9:56 PM
| Comments (22)
February 19, 2009
By request, a little something about the New York Post chimp (which is of course an ape not a monkey but the cartoonist must not have known that) cartoon.
Click here for info on the cat story I mentioned...I don't recommend watching the actual video but the story does have a happy endinf.
(recorded on Wednesday, hence usage of the word "today.")
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Posted by jsmooth995 at 8:29 PM
| Comments (29)
February 14, 2009
[Update below about the stats mentioned in the video]
A conversation with Elizabeth Mendez Berry, who wrote the Vibe magazine's 2005 Love Hurts feature about domestic violence within (and without) hip-hop. She recommended these resources for more on the issue:
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community
National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence
Incite: Women of Color against Violence
Men Stopping Violence
If you have any other recommendations please leave 'em in the comments! Thanks to Racialicious, What Tami Said and Afrobella for inspiration.
Update: Elizabeth wrote to clarify that she misspoke at the end when she said it's the leading cause for all women 15-45, and she sent over more info about where she got the statistics referenced in the video, see below.
"Intimate partner violence is the leading cause of death for
African-American women ages 15 to 45 and the seventh leading cause of
premature death for U.S. women overall." SOURCE: National Institute of
Justice (division of the Bureau of Justice),
Intimate partner deaths have decreased most dramatically among black men. From 1976-1985, black men were more likely than black women to be a victim of domestic homicide; by 2005, black women were three times more likely than a black male to be murdered by their partners. SOURCE: Bureau of Justice:
Black women make up 8% of the U.S. population but in 2005 accounted for 42% of all female victims of intimate partner homicide. SOURCE: Bureau of Justice: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/intimates.htm
The rate of death by intimate partner homicide for black women is about three times the rate of death by intimate partner homicide for white women. SOURCE, Bureau of Justice:
Also, on a slight tangent: DJ Just Dizle from Paris just sent over this two-part mixtape dedicated to female voices in hip-hop, hosted by Jazzy Joyce and MC Lyte. Just Dizle, Ladies First Pt. 1 and 2 ..looks worth checking out!
Posted by jsmooth995 at 7:13 AM
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