Station Announcement

February 25, 2009

Really just a station announcement, not a clever title.

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Posted by jsmooth995 at 9:56 PM | Comments (22)

Monkeys and Trolls

February 19, 2009

By request, a little something about the New York Post chimp (which is of course an ape not a monkey but the cartoonist must not have known that) cartoon.

Click here
for info on the cat story I mentioned...I don't recommend watching the actual video but the story does have a happy endinf.

(recorded on Wednesday, hence usage of the word "today.")

[download] [add me on twitter]

Posted by jsmooth995 at 8:29 PM | Comments (29)

Beyond Chris Brown and Rihanna

February 14, 2009

[Update below about the stats mentioned in the video]

A conversation with Elizabeth Mendez Berry, who wrote the Vibe magazine's 2005 Love Hurts feature about domestic violence within (and without) hip-hop. She recommended these resources for more on the issue:

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community
  • National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence
  • Incite: Women of Color against Violence
  • Men Stopping Violence

    If you have any other recommendations please leave 'em in the comments! Thanks to Racialicious, What Tami Said and Afrobella for inspiration.

    Update: Elizabeth wrote to clarify that she misspoke at the end when she said it's the leading cause for all women 15-45, and she sent over more info about where she got the statistics referenced in the video, see below.

    "Intimate partner violence is the leading cause of death for
    African-American women ages 15 to 45 and the seventh leading cause of
    premature death for U.S. women overall." SOURCE: National Institute of
    Justice (division of the Bureau of Justice),


    Intimate partner deaths have decreased most dramatically among black men. From 1976-1985, black men were more likely than black women to be a victim of domestic homicide; by 2005, black women were three times more likely than a black male to be murdered by their partners. SOURCE: Bureau of Justice:

    Black women make up 8% of the U.S. population but in 2005 accounted for 42% of all female victims of intimate partner homicide. SOURCE: Bureau of Justice:

    The rate of death by intimate partner homicide for black women is about three times the rate of death by intimate partner homicide for white women. SOURCE, Bureau of Justice:

    Also, on a slight tangent: DJ Just Dizle from Paris just sent over this two-part mixtape dedicated to female voices in hip-hop, hosted by Jazzy Joyce and MC Lyte. Just Dizle, Ladies First Pt. 1 and 2 ..looks worth checking out!

    Posted by jsmooth995 at 7:13 AM | Comments (1228)