Good (in) People Day
April 3, 2008
A post for Gary Vaynerchuck's Good People Day (GPD08). I really do believe George means well, and I really do think the dancing is his good side coming out.
Posted by jsmooth995 at April 3, 2008 9:58 AM
*snaps fingers*
You could cut the sarcasm in the room with an oversized spoon.
Posted by: JMack at April 3, 2008 10:50 AM
No sarcasm on my end, but I guess may be hard for people to take it that way?
Posted by: Jay Smooth at April 3, 2008 10:53 AM
Thanks for that excellent exercise, Jay, and you rocked it there at the end. The good in me salutes the good in you! Off I go to salute the good in a few folks that I struggle with. A win for all of us, surely.
Posted by: javamama at April 3, 2008 11:20 AM
you're a very positive dude. glass half full mentality that spreads infectiously. props, i dig it.
Posted by: J.Pets at April 3, 2008 12:40 PM
That's fantastic Jay! Methinks those Ethics classes at Fieldston really did us some good. Love the site. Keep up the great work.
Posted by: Nelson at April 3, 2008 1:22 PM
That was nice, Bush IS a good dancing-funny-man :) And I liked the groove ;)
Posted by: Ogrim at April 3, 2008 2:06 PM
It's incredible; you talk even more than I do... nobody's talking more than I do, Homie... over here in Germany! :)
So stay away.
And stay ... good.
Posted by: MC Winkel at April 3, 2008 2:09 PM
In all seriousness, why are you so preoccupied with connectedness, at least in the past two posts?
Some people don't connect with others much, and it's not because they're obnoxious or selfish -- they're just introverted or independent, that's how they roll.
Posted by: Joe Grossberg at April 3, 2008 3:33 PM
Nice Flip. Srsly! :D
... Insightful...
Posted by: bill c. at April 3, 2008 4:09 PM
In all seriousness, I'm obsessed with it because I believe it is the key to everything!
Just to clarify though, I used a social situation as an example in my Chappelle post but the concept of connectedness I'm describing is not about being social.. I will always be introverted and independent and don't think it is a bad thing, or runs counter to what I'm saying in and of itself..
I'm talking bout having a worldview that is grounded in an awareness of our interconnectedness, and a life that is informed by that awareness, which is equally possible and equally valuable no matter how shy or independent or reclusive you might be.
Posted by: Jay Smooth at April 3, 2008 4:22 PM
Big ups on this one Jay. Great spin on GPD08. You managed, even if tongue in cheek, to take a good concept and make it better. Imagine if everybody, left or right leaning, saw an ounce of good in the opposition everyday.
Posted by: maubrowncow at April 3, 2008 4:40 PM
How can you not believe in bad people? I got at least 3 bad people in my building. What about the guy that keyed my car? If he's good than the universe is stupid. And what about the guy that farts and then leaves the room? He's got to be a bad person. And Hitler. And the guy who came up with the original busy tone.
I got a list.
Posted by: johnnyunitus at April 3, 2008 6:18 PM
haha, I didn't say this but the other side of what I'm saying is that there are no "good people" either per se. I'm saying we each have good IN us, and bad as well, or at least we all have the potential for both.
some people's element of goodness is overshadowed by their arrogance or narcissism or prejudice or whatever, some people are not altogether well mentally, some people are just straight-up sociopathic.. eventually it may veer into parsing semantics but i still think of these as different from being a "bad person"..
Posted by: Jay Smooth at April 3, 2008 6:36 PM
First video of yours I've watched, was sent here by Bill Cammack. Good stuff! I haven't seen George dance... now I have to go digging for it ;)
Posted by: Susan at April 3, 2008 10:30 PM
Yeah but you probably never waited 45 minutes at the Whitestone parking lot for Denise and then had to call little C to pick you up and drive you back to your mom's place.
Posted by: johnnyunitus at April 3, 2008 11:17 PM
Nicely done Jay. I'm a big believer in what you're saying in the last two posts. Connecting with people as people as opposed to entities that are surrounding you, possibly helping you out, possibly getting in your way. Focusing (and in turn helping them focus) on the things they do well, so maybe, just maybe, they'll start to notice the things they do that are damaging and possibly rectify their ways.
Will it always work? No. But even if it works 5 percent of the time, that's 1 less jerk for every 20 you come across. Considering that a lot of people feel their surrounded by evil in some form or another, a potential 5% drop is pretty good.
Posted by: Bedirhan at April 3, 2008 11:58 PM
"The line between Good and Evil runs straight through every human heart."
I don't remember who said that, but it is nice to see that you know which side to stay on and thank you for reminding us that even people we think are evil, may have some good inside them which should be encouraged. You reminded me of Randy Pausch.
Also, if you watch the Frontline documentary "Bush's War" you will be suprised to find out ( as I was) that Bush does have a certain sense of honor and does truly believe he is doing what is best for the country, misguided as it may be.
Unfortunately, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfield will sorely test the Jay Smooth Good-in-all-people Theory. But hear where you're comin' from, and it is in a similar neighborhood as me. Keep the videos comin' and keep 'em smooth Smooth.
Posted by: Brothajohn at April 4, 2008 9:43 AM
first off. TX 4 the illdoctrine! really love your work here. especially (but not exclusively) the political rants. we got a lot of coverage here in Belgium on the clinton-obama race while we didn't even have a proper government of our own. and it wasn't even about the "actual" presidential race yet! but it does show a different kind of connected-'ness' in terms of how important the american elections R becoming in the world view 2day. (I mean, daily TV coverage all over europe already ... and it's not like we (the people of europe) have a vote in the matter anyway. if the next american president is going to declare another war between the western world & some "poor" oil producing middle-eastern country, then our governments R going 2 follow, no doubt about it) ... it's just peculiar that our media assumes that we need 2 B so aware of what is happening in America that it overshadows our own backyard. Hell, I even keep checking the illdoctrine on a very regular basis already 2 get an even broader picture of what I see on the news ... go figure.
one thing's 4 sure though J. If I pass you in the NY streets one day, I'm going 2 try & connect. would love a nice chat with you. Respect & keep u the great work. (sorry 4 the rant ... just couldn't help myself there)
Posted by: thierry at April 4, 2008 9:43 AM
i feel you jay. when i used practice out at mccarren park everyday, i often thought that if bush, saddam hussein, and bin laden were b-boys, they could just battle it out on the floor, and then shake hands afterwards.
likewise, the poster for the 2005 world air guitar championships featured drawings of gdubs, putin, bin laden and hussein all playing air guitar to promote the idea that "if everyone in the world was busy playing air guitar, they couldn't hold guns." i have it framed in my bathroom.
Posted by: seoulsonyk at April 4, 2008 1:17 PM
All we need now is a 'Do Something Good For People Day'; DSGFPD'09?....Anyone? I feel like the line of thinking expressed by J, Gary V., Dr. Tania Chance, Dr. Geneva Gay, the whole Mutlti Cultural Education movement, plus many more I don't know about are really influencing a generation which in the long run will lead to the world (not just America) being a better place.
I believe in those cheesy, but totally relevant, commercials where people are inspired by seeing others do good deeds. So maybe sometime between this years GPD and next, you can do a small good deed for someone else. Hold the door, Pay for the person behind you in line, ask someone if the need help, or just give the greeting of the day (and don't get mad if they don't respond).
For me personally the connection I feel to society increases when I do these small simple things or see them done for others. But maybe it's just me....
Posted by: stealthgator at April 5, 2008 3:58 AM
All we need now is a 'Do Something Good For People Day'; DSGFPD'09?....Anyone? I feel like the line of thinking expressed by J, Gary V., Dr. Tania Chance, Dr. Geneva Gay, the whole Mutlti Cultural Education movement, plus many more I don't know about are really influencing a generation which in the long run will lead to the world (not just America) being a better place.
I believe in those cheesy, but totally relevant, commercials where people are inspired by seeing others do good deeds. So maybe sometime between this years GPD and next, you can do a small good deed for someone else. Hold the door, Pay for the person behind you in line, ask someone if the need help, or just give the greeting of the day (and don't get mad if they don't respond).
For me personally the connection I feel to society increases when I do these small simple things or see them done for others. But maybe it's just me....
Posted by: stealthgator at April 5, 2008 3:58 AM
All we need now is a 'Do Something Good For People Day'; DSGFPD'09?....Anyone? I feel like the line of thinking expressed by J, Gary V., Dr. Tania Chance, Dr. Geneva Gay, the whole Mutlti Cultural Education movement, plus many more I don't know about are really influencing a generation which in the long run will lead to the world (not just America) being a better place.
I believe in those cheesy, but totally relevant, commercials where people are inspired by seeing others do good deeds. So maybe sometime between this years GPD and next, you can do a small good deed for someone else. Hold the door, Pay for the person behind you in line, ask someone if the need help, or just give the greeting of the day (and don't get mad if they don't respond).
For me personally the connection I feel to society increases when I do these small simple things or see them done for others. But maybe it's just me....
Posted by: stealthgator at April 5, 2008 4:02 AM
There's actually a lot to be said for the goodness Mr. Bush has done for Africa. No American president has given more, financially, to the continent of Africa. No president has taken such a strong initiative to battle AIDS in Africa. As much as I dislike Mr. Bush, he's contributions to Africa are indicative of the goodness somewhere inside of him.
Posted by: Omar at April 5, 2008 4:26 PM
Everybody has a heart except some people.
Posted by: johnnyunitus at April 5, 2008 8:57 PM
Johnny Unitus, you are a bad person.
Posted by: Jay Smooth at April 5, 2008 9:02 PM
I gave a guest the dog towel.
Posted by: johnnyunitus at April 6, 2008 11:27 AM
I'm good in people...
well not all people, only women.
Posted by: The Little Hater at April 6, 2008 6:32 PM
you know what? I'm glad you took time to humanize GW bush. on so many occasions people(rightly so) demonize him as the worst president evar, I'm glad you took a different route.
Posted by: t at April 6, 2008 9:52 PM
Posted by: Paul D. Waite at April 7, 2008 5:19 PM
way to be positive
anyway, if anyone wants to check out some new music go to [gratuitous promo redacted, please don't make comments just for the sake of promo links] and check out his new single called "get silly" which was produced by Soulja Boy! check it out!
Posted by: elle at April 11, 2008 4:19 PM
what? all that talk and no actual clip of the 'dancing.' the anticipation made me nuts and then a no show. i feel stood up.
Posted by: miss al boogie at April 14, 2008 10:37 PM
You are such a righteous man!!!
Posted by: bill at June 16, 2008 12:08 AM
You are such a righteous man!!!
Posted by: bill at June 16, 2008 12:09 AM
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